Money, or at least the idea of money, is central to oh so very many geek-centered games. Go ahead, start listing all of the games you play that deal with treasure, or rent, or the value of weaponry and armor.
And yes, within each game, you’ll quickly learn the ins and outs of how much everything is worth and how much time you’ll have to spend to get that value out. But why not take it a step further and broaden your concept and understanding of money as a whole? Consider the following as a general pathway.
Research Real Money
If you want to understand how geek money works, start with learning about real money. Learn about real gold and real silver. Learn how rubles translate to dollars, and how value changes with limited resources. You’ll be fascinated how many games represent reality quite well in this regard, and you can use that knowledge to deepen your experience inside the gaming community at large. Even just knowing the language will help you communicate your needs and desires. [Read more…]