Cell phones have become more of a necessity than a fad in today’s information age. Much so that anywhere you look, one can always see somebody either using or holding one. They are true marvels of the huge advances that technology has taken us from the back-pack sized units that began as toys for the rich and glamorous to an everyday gadget you cannot or choose not to live without.
They have indeed gone beyond the initial design and purpose they have been developed for with more and more functionality added as technology advances on a daily basis. Technology that is hot off the concept stages are at once being thought of ways on how they can be incorporated into these magnificent gizmos.
It all began with single chip AM/FM Radios which have been included with them for ages, and then came embedded pocket organizers, MP3 players; Digital Cameras and they get better everyday. The iPhone from Apple is one of the latest in the true multi-function and internet capable (or capable of pretty much anything else you can do on your laptop or desktop) allows users to do more with one multi-function unit.
Imagine carrying an MP3 player, PDA, Laptop and a cell phone in your pockets, won’t your pants fall off? So thanks to these devices, we all live a better life in the digital age. Well, till they get outdated a few months down and a newer one takes it’s place. Makes you wonder, when would a multi-function/multi-tasking human evolve to get the most out of these devices? Hmmm….