I never thought I’d see this day, but here it is. I read this article about a study that Pew conducted recently. The group conducted a study focusing on American adults, their gadgets, technology services, and what their attitude towards these. So what did they find out?
Surprisingly, they were able to identify a specific group of adults: males in their late 20s. They even gave a name to the group: Ambivalent Networkers. How are they characterized? The Associated Press reports:
Pew found this group notable because its members have lived with the Internet and other technologies for much of their lives.
In the study, Pew examined American adults’ gadgets and services, their activities and their attitudes toward technology. About 60 percent of the overall respondents didn’t have significant attachments to mobile devices, either because they didn’t have such gadgets or because they were fine with desktop PCs.
But nearly 40 percent did say they were glued to their mobile devices. And the Ambivalent Networkers make up a fifth of that group.
“They’re the most active on social networks and using mobile devices for a range of activities, yet they think it’s a good idea to take a break,” said John Horrigan, Pew’s associate director for research. “They are not thrilled about all that’s available.”
Come to think of it, I know more than a handful of people who fall into this category. While they do have these gadgets and they use them considerably, it would not be a surprise NOT to be able to get hold of them on their mobiles every now and then.
I guess this is an indication that there are still people who can be detached from all this geekiness that I cannot escape. Their loss! :p