Samsung once again leads the technology race in consumer electronics mainly in areas which utilize LCD’s with other industry giants quickly following pace in research and development in the said technology. Other companies such as Sony, Mitsubishi Chemicals, Eastman Kodak and many other in hot pursuit Their current preview into the successful use of Organic LCD’s in a new line of Televisions was a total success making it the successor to the currently common LCD plasma displays. Their prototype paper-thin LCD TV was a gain a leap forward from traditional Plasma Display Televisions that were very expensive to manufacture and consumes a lot of electricity.
These Organic devices are now in use on their mobile phones and other portable products and are a leap ahead of the current LED and LCD technology. They first of all require no backlighting which is one of the main power consumer in LCD’s and Plasma Display’s and there is no need for color filters and many other supporting electronics to make them work. Current LCD’s require very expensive manufacturing equipment and supplies which is a major factor that contributes to their high price. OLED’s, another break away technology related to the said area is currently being developed along side other organic based technologies that can have displays printed out of the common home inkjet printer making them more commonplace as paper in tomorrow’s world.
We can be sure to see the said technology creeping in slowly into the consumer electronics market where they will replace display’s without the backlights and other supporting electronics. This would mean that consumers can expect longer battery usage due to less loads and in the home and elsewhere we will get a bit closer to a more environmentally friendly society by lessening the electricity we use. Electricity generation is one of the leading industries that are associated with pollution and they will benefit greatly from the said technology.