Well, that’s what scientists, oncologists and cancer researchers are asking themselves, when a layman (actually he was a radio technician) came up with a device that could revolutionize cancer treatment. John Kanzius, from Erie Pennsylvania has invented a machine that uses extremely powerful radio frequencies to kill of cancer cells while being treated with chemotherapy for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma(leukemia). He started out in his garage (where it still is as he spent his own money and paid for the design and construction of his demo device) and was encouraged by results he got from his first device that he poured hundreds of thousands of dollars to have the device made into a medical device that has stirred the medical world of cancer research. He was interviewed by CBS where he demonstrated his machine that was emitting radio frequency that was so powerful it lit a fluorescent tube without any electrical source. To demonstrate safety, he passed his hand through the same device right afterwards with no ill effects. Testing on animals with tumors has had promising effects with further refinements and research being done by some of the best minds in cancer research.
Many scientists were in fact surprised at his research and use of radio waves which you could say has not been a focus of cancer treatment and research. He is a breed of his own and a sign that humans are truly amazing when it comes to possible treatments for some of the world’s deadliest diseases. He is a man just like any and he doesn’t even have a patent yet on his device and when asked about it he simply says if “somebody takes my ideas and turns it into a treatment that would mean a better world for tomorrow, so be it!”. He has his own website, The John Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation, to promote his research on the Kanzius Radiowave Treatment project and the results thereof which is available to all cancer researchers and common folks who might benefit form his discoveries. His designed treatment has a metallic substances such as Nano-materials injected into the target area where the radio frequency does damage and kills of the cancer cells. The device is still in development and refinement for it to be taken to the USFDA for testing and approval but the mere fact that a layman can do this kind of work for mankind is truly amazing.
There was also some other exciting that happened with his device that resulted heating salt water separating into hydrogen and oxygen that it may provide another way of generating the gas for fuelling hybrids that are now in use and development. The radio frequency device of his was so powerful it literally burned the salt water but the amount of energy that was needed to attain the results was still too impractical so more research and development into that area might have to be done but he take his place among some of America’s best and most innovative people of all time.