Traveling is such a breeze today what with all the gadgets you can use to easily find directions and interesting places to visit. A popular device that you can use is the satnav, short for satellite navigation system.
A satnav is basically a receiver that gets data from satellites orbiting the earth. It works by providing people with directions when traveling to their destinations. It is also able to suggest point of interests or places that might be of interest to travelers. Today, however, this device is far more improved and can even serve as an entertainment and communication system right inside your car.
The latest satnav models go beyond just being a guide when you’re out on the road. An advanced feature worth noting is its ability to warn drivers of the presence of safety cameras. The device can also serve as an MP3 or DVD player, a hands-free telephone, a digital photo album, calculator or even a currency converter.
There are various types and brands of satnavs you can readily buy these days. But sometimes, the features may not be enough for you especially for people who want more from this kind of device.
You can actually develop an app that will fulfill your needs in using a satnav. A very useful app would be one that is able to provide voice clips for every point of interest that you pass by. This would help a lot in letting people remember their journey in places they visit and it could make for a less boring drive. Imagine when your device can act as a tour guide giving you quick information about an interesting spot along your route.
Another unique feature would be a satnav that can give users a memory test of the places they’ve just passed through and then giving you certain points for every correct answer. Now that would really make your journey a fun experience.
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About the guest author:
Mia is a frequent traveler who loves bringing along her satnav with her. She is hopeful that the features she wants in the device will become a reality in the future.