The sci-fi trilogy began as a flop and was seen as a dream that was doomed to fail, George Lucas started out as an aspiring film assistant who grew into the business after bribing guards at the studio and eventually landing a job as a production assistant. His dream for Star Wars began as a simple idea that turned into one of Hollywood’s most memorable sci-fi film series pioneering some of the most innovative ideas during its release such as stop-motion and many other firsts.
The first three films(Star Wars 4,5 and 6) were utter box office hits that paved the way for the recent trilogy(Star Wars 1,2 and 3) again loaded with so much technology, the line between reality and the CG world was dulled some more in a seamless combination making for great films indeed. One has to be a die hard fan for you to wear some of the best Star Wars shirts on the market, from vintage ones that covered themes from the first three films to the recent trilogy that set the stage to complete the circle of the space sci-fi saga that is Star Wars, May the Force be with You.