Some of the world’s fastest computers are actually purposely designed machines that are used mainly in the Medical industry to analyze Viruses and in the drive to map the Human Genome project. IBM has released a new processor chip that is designed to run three times faster than Intel’s current Itanium processors. The said supercomputer chip was integrated into their latest supercomputer and was labeled the Power6 Microprocessor Chip that run’s at a whopping 4.7Ghz and at a processor bandwidth of 300 Gigabytes. Wow… Now if that were inside your home desktop, won’t that be pretty. The said chip doubles the capacity and speed of past chips and the good thing about it is that it runs basically on the same power requirements.
The new supercomputer servers come in 2 to 16-cores beating HP’s current Superdome Server by three times. Now, we can be sure the price of such computers run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars but we’re quite sure the companies who do have them makes use of them for the embitterment of mankind. IBM is expected to release another fastest computer later in the year adding to the list of computers that run in the tera-flop range. With their lead in the server-wars first won by IBM-Blue in 2004 which was known as the first ever super computer and was used to simulate the effects of the US’s ageing nuclear arsenal. Major clients of such machines are NASA, the Defense Department and major Pharmaceutical firms.