If you are still using paper money, you are light years behind the geeks who have taken electronic money to a whole new level. Only a real geek can appreciate the value of a form of currency that is little more than a collection of bits in cyberspace. These electronic coins, which go by various names, are in turn stored inside a virtual wallet. This makes electronically generated money beyond being light weight and convenient. It is a very different way of thinking about money, compared to how people used to think about money in the days when everyone had a clothesline and spent their evenings watching black and white television.
Though it may seem odd to you, and perhaps even a little hard to believe, more and more retail merchants online are accepting forms of electronic money–especially one mainstream electronic currency called bit coin. What started out as electronic coins used by online gamers in virtual worlds have actually become a form of real currency in the real world. Geeks like this type of currency, not only because it is easy to use online, but also because currencies like bitcoin, litecoin, and dogecoins, for example, are very difficult to trace. When you pay with these forms of currency, you are essentially anonymous. [Read more…]