Wherever I go, I like making sure that I would be able to find a WiFi signal. This is especially true if I am going away for more than a day trip. Of course, it can be awkward to go around waving your laptop or whatever WiFi ready gadget just to find a decent signal.
Thank the heavens for the guys at Think Geek. First the created the WiFi detector shirt. Now they have another accessory that can do the trick for any WiFi seeking dude: the WiFi detector cap.
This cool gadget is the perfect juxtaposition of apparel and technology. It looks just like most any other cap that you can find at the stores. Of course, there is something different about it – there are bars on the front of the cap to indicate the strength of the WiFi signal in any given area. The stronger the WiFi signal in the area, the more glowing bars you will see on the cap.
I can just imagine wearing this cap the next time I go out…no waving the iPhone around. Of course, you might have a problem if you are out alone and you want to keep wearing your cap. Since the indicator is on the front of the cap, you can’t really see the signal when you’re wearing it, right? I guess I would just have to get the cap and give it as a gift and watch the detector from there.
Anyway, it’s just $14.99 at Think Geek.