With most people practically having their own blog or web sites today, it would be best to find all the necessary means to make them productive and optimized. Optimized sites will surely have one advantage since traffic flow is a given and established. The growth of such traffic would depend on the investments in time, content and tagging made to each of these sites.
Affiliate programs offer rewards through banner ad placements and links. However, it is not a matter of simple placement. They should be strategically placed on the overall layout so that they will not ruin the established presentation that the site has already been known for. There are various styles of design to make everything professional looking and a lot of them are usually given prior to placement.
Ignorance of proper placement of codes may eventually be something that would ruin the site traffic and the overall presentation at some point. Hence it would be best to be careful before placing them, ensuring that site representation and affiliate programming codes are placed properly and efficiently.