There are certain jobs that are just so much more geekier than others. Yes, there are definitely geek lawyers, doctors, businessmen and even actors, but their jobs are not geeky at all.
Here are five of the geekiest jobs you can find on the planet. If you’re in one of these professions then you’re one of top geeks on Earth.
Rocket scientist
You’ve probably heard of how geeks are often called rocket scientists – partly out of ridicule and partly out of intimidation. But there is also mad respect for the profession. Rocket scientists are hard-core geeks, and the profession itself (okay, the proper term is aeronautical engineering) is considered the geekiest of all. You need an uncanny grasp of mathematics and physics because the wrong calculations could mean the lives of many people.
Professional hacker
The media has often portrayed hackers as geeks to the bone, and there is some truth to it. While hackers are generally found all over the world, toiling away on their computers, there existence is not really glamorous or particularly geeky. The professional hacker, on the other hand, is a totally different animal. These computer wizards are sought after by large companies to help protect their computer systems and help identify leaks or potential vulnerabilities – and they get paid a lot of money to do it.
Game designer
Game designing is one of the hottest geek jobs on the planet right now. The gaming industry has exploded in a huge way. It is now outperforming the movie industry in terms of revenues. Game designing can be quite a stressful job because of tight deadlines, adherence to high quality and the unique demands of game design. But the cool and geeky thing about game designing is the chance to create new gaming worlds that gaming fans will love.
Game tester
If you want a job that spells “geek†in capital letters then look no further than being a game tester. Yes, you get paid playing games. What could be geekier than that? Yes, playing games is a legitimate profession. Testing games to look for glitches and bugs or to write game guides is a cool job to have and this could also lead to career in game development.
Comicbook writer
The sitcom The Big Bang Theory consistently pays homage to comic books. In fact, one of their friends owns a comic book store. Geeks revere the art of comics and they have a special reverence for comicbook writers. Writing for comicbooks does not diminish the gravity of their art. Graphic novels are some of the best written modern pieces of literature right now.
About The Author
Sean Stone has a geek side but his business side is spent managing, a site that lists job vacancies in various industries.