While we are on the subject of the best gadgets, let’s take a look at the best mp3 player there is. Can you make a guess? T3, which proudly claims to be the world’s best gadget magazine, recently conducted a poll of its readers and came up with – surprise – the Apple iPod 30G. Now who would have thought of that…
Seriously, nothing comes close to the iPod. I don’t have the “best” iPod but I am pretty sure that performance wise, it could only be better. An iPod is an iPod, period.
True enough, the earlier versions can only handle music and serve as a portable hard disk. That in itself satisfies a lot of needs. The new generation iPod gives you more than that though. Videos and pictures are the in thing now. With the new iPods, you can watch your favorite TV show or movie on the go. Equipped with hard disks with as much capacity as the older computers, you can carry with you tons of data.
Still some people have serious qualms about the iPod. Despite that fact that it has been voted the best mp3 player, they say that it doesn’t come up to their expectations – hardware wise that it. I have read quite a few horror stories about iPods just dying on their desperate owners. How batteries don’t last long and all that stuff.
I may not have the newest (and best?) iPod there is but I haven’t had any problems with it either. Well yeah sometimes it does need resetting but that’s about it. I still think the iPod is the best there is.