Now hold it a minute, how can that be? A fashionable geek? Well, geeks are all over and the term is often misinterpreted as a descriptive for people who look, well geeky. But that doesn’t make them any different from you and me and like us, they need clothes. Clothes that express their inner beauty or “geekiness”, should we say. Anybody who is interested in the world around them is a geek and you’ll just have to accept that. Some celebrities even dress like them in their shambled ensembles that always catches the eyes of the fashion police.
You don’t have to wear an up-buttoned shirt, with a bow tie, several pens and have metal braces to be a geek. Geeks have made their contributions to this earth and without them most of the modern marvels we see wouldn’t be possible. Einstein, Archimedes, Newton and some of the greatest minds that have ever graced this earth were called geeks yet we all benefit from their contributions to humanity. That said, why not clothe yourself in some of the best Geek T-shirts the world over and be proud of your contribution to this world.