Ever since the Olympics became an event that was all about glory bot only for the athlete but the countries they represent, people have been obsessed with ways of augmenting the already rich and strong talent people are exhibiting in the games. New shoes and clothes for track and field, new equipment and training technologies and now we have new swimsuits that are so high-tech they aim to break existing records set previously by their ill-equipped counterparts. Shaved heads or head-gear that cover’s non-aerodynamic hair, shaved body hair an d so on and so forth just to shave off that critical split second that could result in a gold medal in the games.
The shark-suit is made of material that mimics the sharkskin that is proving to be better in reducing drag as opposed to traditional swimwear. Shark’s skin is smooth and silky from front to back yet rough from tail to snout and this is made possible by thousands upon thousands of small hooks or scales if you’d like to call them that making it an ideal design for swimsuits that are faster and better in water.
The discovery was made by biologists who closely examined the skin of sharks and pondered how such large predators could swim effortlessly even with their bulk and shape. As it turns out, their skin is made up of thousands upon thousands of scales shaped like hooks that reduces drag considerably once under water. The hooks break up resistance and makes it easier for the swimmer or the shark to slice through the water faster and better allowing them to go faster. The suit has been recently approved by the 2008 Olympic Committee allowing it’s use in the pools of the games where it was previously banned in fairness to those who could not afford such high-tech suits. The up-coming gamers would allow the real-life testing of the technology between the several manufacturers who now make the suit allowing them to settle once and for all who makes the best and fastest swimwear on the planet.