With the amount of technology that people around the globe are using on a daily and almost hourly basis, it only makes sense that things might break down every once in a while. When this happens, it can throw a real wrench into your entire day, since so much of what we do revolves around our ability to use our technology the way we’ve become accustomed to. So to ensure that you don’t miss a beat in your life because of issues with your laptop, here are three tips for effectively troubleshooting problems that you might have with your laptop.
3 Must Haves On a Super Geek Tool Belt
Ever noticed some of the great heroes of the Marvel and DC Universe all carry a kick-butt tool belt? If it weren’t for a place to put all his toys, Batman couldn’t even compete. Spiderman may not have a belt, but at least in one version of the story, he must have a place to store his web solution.
Catwoman, the Green Arrow, and even Captain America all have to carry some form of equipment on their person at all times. These things help us identify who they are and help them defeat the bad guys. [Read more…]
The Value of Computers and Computing In Online Marketing
It’s not hard to think of online marketing as something that is sort of self-existing and self-perpetuating, but it’s important to remember that computers and computer processing are at the heart of the online concept. Because ‘online’ as a tag refers to the fact that the marketing is done through the use of the Internet, you can’t discount the importance that computers play, even as conduits of data.
So, if you want to dig into the meaning of value with reference to marketing specifically, it’s a good idea to make sure you understand the role that computers play. [Read more…]